Non-Verbal Communication Tips

Nonverbal Communication Tips – The Importance of Gestures in Customer Communication Never underestimate the power of nonverbal communication when interacting with your customers or others. The issue is so important that entire books have been written on the topic. This article provides some nonverbal communication tips related to gesturing that you may want to consider … Read more

Handling Angry Customers

Handling Angry Customers There seem to be a number of issues that are driving the anger that many customers display when dealing with customer service representatives these days. Contributing factors might include the economy, displeasure with government, unemployment, perceived poor service in general and many other challenges facing society. The reality is that, as a … Read more

Improving Verbal Communication with Customers

Improving Verbal Communication with Customers Many customer service representatives give little thought to the way that they sound to their customers. Typically, they have not received customer service skills training that addresses effective verbal communication. Similarly, they likely have not taken college or professional courses on effective interpersonal communication. The result is that they do not … Read more

POSITIVE Global Customer Service Model

POSITIVE Global Customer Service Model – Serving Diverse Customers The following acronym (POSITIVE) provides some strategies for creating or contributing to a positive global service environment and building strong relationships with your customers. It provides a model to move you from good customer service to the best customer service possible. Put your best foot forward. … Read more

Serving Customers from Different Cultures

Serving Customers from Different Cultures Customer service representatives in the United States (U.S.) are often not prepared for the challenges of serving customers from different cultures. This is especially true related to understanding other cultural values and effectively communicating. This is often because many people have never traveled outside the borders of the Continental U.S., nor have … Read more

A 100 Percent ATTITUDE Is Crucial for Customer Service Representatives

A 100 Percent ATTITUDE Is Crucial for Customer Service Representatives Organizations are constantly looking for better ways to increase customer satisfaction, generate additional revenue and spark customer retention. While some customer service professionals say that brand loyalty and keeping customers for life is an unachievable goal, there are some strategies that can strengthen the customer-provider … Read more

Customer Service Representatives Have to Power to Help or Hurt Their Organization

Customer Service Representatives Have to Power to Help or Hurt Their Organization You may have heard that one person can make a difference in the world. Well, one customer service representative can make a difference in the level of success that is achieved by an organization. Think about the fact that if you are in … Read more

Use Head Nodding Effectively With Customers to Avoid Misunderstandings

Use Head Nodding Effectively With Customers to Avoid Misunderstandings Nodding of the head is often used (and overused) by many people to signal agreement or to indicate that they are listening to a speaker during a conversation. As a customer service representative, you must be careful to occasionally pause to ask a question for clarification … Read more

Building Customer Relationships

Building Customer Relationships to Increase Customer Retention The only way for customer service representatives and their organizations to excel is by first building strong customer service relationships. By exhibiting stellar product and service knowledge and employing effective customer service skills, listening and communicating verbally and non verbally they are able to properly determine customer needs, wants and expectations. … Read more

Customer Service Inspirational Quote – Sam Walton

Customer Service Inspirational Quote – Sam Walton “High Expectations are the key to everything.” – Sam Walton A key to being a successful customer service representative is gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with a changing global business environment. In today’s world, it is not enough for service providers to simply be knowledgeable … Read more

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